Bhulekh Aps Software Download
Bhunaksha is the digitised cadastral map management tool under Bhuiyan project of Chhattisgarh developed by National Informatics Centre (NIC), Govt. This mobile application allows Citizen to view the information pertaining to selected land parcel (Khasra) by providing selection parameters viz.
District, Tehsil, Village and Khasra number. Citizen can download the maps of Village to mobile and zoom it to any scale for plot information.
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Chertezhi prisposoblenij dlya remonta avtomobilej kompas. Round comprising antitank guided missile is intended for firing from ICV-3 against stationary and moving modern armoured targets with combined, carried or monolithic armour including ERA (explosive reactive armour), and also against pinpoint targets like weapon emplacements, a tank in a trench, light-armoured objects and helicopters. SPECIFICATIONS Maximum range, m 5500 Flight time at maximum range, sec 15,1 Guidance system semiautomatic by laser beam Warhead: - type - armour penetration behind ERA, mm tandem hollow-charge no less than 550 Round weight, kg 21,6 Overall dimensions, mm: - missile calibre - round length 100 1180 Operating temperature range, oC from minus 40 to +60.
Individual plot map report can also be generated and saved into mobile.