Buku Teknik Sipil Nova
Konstruksi Jalan Raya Buku 1 Geometrik Jalan Penerbit Nova, Bandung, 2004 Deskripsi. Teknik Jalan Raya Jilid 1 Penerbit Erlangga, Jakarta, 1990. Seri Buku Teknis Sipil Praktis Perkerasan jalan Beton semen Portland Penerbit Beta Offset, Yogyakarta, 2009.
Indonesia is a disaster prone country such as floods, volcanoes, fires, earthquakes, landslides, etc. One of the factors of this country is prone to disaster is the climate condition.
In East Kalimantan, especially in Sanga-Sanga is an area with low landslide susceptibility, but within it there are settlements and some important access roads leading to other areas. It needs special handling for landslide areas such as the construction of retaining walls so that access roads can be passed and activities undertaken by residents in the area can run smoothly. In this final project, comparing two types of Kantiliver type wall and Gravity type, the purpose and objective is to analyze and plan the stability of the archery wall in the construction of retaining wall, which is safe against bolsters, shear and collapse. Analyze the stability of soil bearing capacity and plan its foundation. Analysis method used by Rankine and Coulomb, while the data used before analyzing retaining wall that is primary data consist of Sondir, Boring, and Topography.
As for the secondary data in the form of literature study, and references related to the retaining wal. From the analysis of retaining wall using Rankine and Coulomb method for Kantilever type, the result of Rankine Method of stability of style to bolsters is 2,933 ≥ 2 (Safe), shear stability is 2,397 ≥ 2 (Safe), and the stability of collapse is 26,74 ≥ 3 (Safe). While on the Cuolomb method, the stability value of the force against bolsters is 3.252 ≥ 2 (Safe), stability to shear of 2,650 ≥ 2 (Safe), and the collapse stability of 27,951 ≥ 3 (Safe). Gravity type obtained by Rankine method stability value to bolsters equal to 1,760 ≥ 2 (Unsafe), stability to shear of 1,609 ≥ 2 (Unsafe), and the stability of the collapse of 14,366 ≥ 3 (Safe). While in the Cuolomb method, the stability value of the force against bolsters is 1,947 ≥ 2 (Unsafe), the stability to shear is 1,806 ≥ 2 (Unsafe), and the stability of the collapse is 16.185 ≥ 3 (Safe). For pile analysis result of cantilever type obtained by amount of individual pile as many as 30 fruit with 3 row diameter 30 cm, and got P max 170,234 kN.
Djatmiko Soedarmo, Ir; S.J. Edy Purnomo,Ir MEKANIKA TANAH 1 & 2 penerbit “KANISIUS “ 1997 Gideon Kusuma M. Eng, GRAFIK DAN TEBEL PERHITUNGAN BETON BERTULANG penerbit “ERLANGGA” Surabaya 1997 Hary Christady Hardiyatmo, TEKNIK PONDASI 2 edisi ke-2 penerbit “BETA OFFSET” 2002 Kazuto Nakazawa dkk,; Editor Suyono Sosrodarsono, Ir MEKANIKA TANAH DAN TEKNIK PONDASI cetakan ke-8 penerbit “PT. Aritech titan software download for windows 7. Pradnya Paramita” Jakarta 1980 Sunggono kh, Ir BUKU TEKNIK SIPIL, penerbit “NOVA” Bandung 1995 Sunggono kh, Ir MEKANIKA TANAH, penerbit “NOVA” Bandung 1995.
For under graduated and graduate engineering students have been ever learning about finite element method, the numerical technical approach to solve the partial differential equations, including the complex sample problem. Finite element may be analyzed by ANSYS software program tools which provides detailed simulation in user interface graphics and detailed workbench tutorial. Now, most mechanical engineers and students are used to using ANSYS 11 to create related finite element modellings to solve numerically mechanical engineering cases such as both dynamics and statics structure, heat transfer, and for heat and fluid flow problem. This Engineering analysis with ANSYS software book contains innovative and step by step philosophy tutorial to introduce detailed hands on guide of ANSIS software for various engineering are and cases related to finite element analysis.
This ANSYS tutorial consists of seven chapters. First chapter try to introduce of basic finite element theories with two applied methods such as weight residuals and Rayleigh-Ritz methods which can be applied into two or three dimensional elastostatic cases. This terms make this book has unique characteristic than other ANSYS tutorial book.
Chapter 2, 3 and 4 begin to review ansys program and show how to start program, construct a model in workbench, then solve the such application of stress analysis, stress concentration with principle of ST. Venant in mode analysis execution. For fluid and thermo-mechanics (chapter 5,6) area problem, we may be using ANSYS 11 to analyze flow structure and calculate the result wirth butterfly or channel. Finally, last chapter takes summary of solving problem through related surface mechanics problem.
This Engineering analysis with ANSYS software book becomes essential for engineers due to unique explanation and illustrations in means of imitations which has significantly differences to other ANSYIS book. So if you want to master ANSYS Software related Finite element method, get this book! Andre tupang 02:29 Admin Bandung Indonesia Engineering analysis with ANSYS software.