Diamond Twister Kod Razblokirovki
Features: -Stroke variation(power and direction),now both player and cpu shots can pierce fields allowing for easy singles and two's, even fields that you set in custom,the cpu manages to score off any type of bowler. -AI improvement with batting(cpu bats aggressively throughout innings,especially in the powerplay and at the end of innings resulting in competitive scores(180-220) -Edges possible so you can realistically set slips for your attacking bowlers. -Six Hit is not as predictable,sometimes get caught on the boundary.
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Statistika obiskov za www.najinfo.com Poroilo za mesec: Maj 2013 - Napotitelj Izdelano 01-Jun-2013 00:01 CEST GEO-106FREE 20110101 Build 1 Copyright (c) 2010 MaxMind. Visitors to this page also searched for: Diamond tvister unlock code Dimond twister unlocked code Kod za otkljucavanje igrice diamond twister.
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If you want to make new Arcade Manager CSV lists with this change made though, then I'd happily add them to the archive/guide (with you credited of course). Not saying you don't have a good point though, but I'm pretty much done with this project. You're also welcome to add any new games for any of the three emulators, though please try to make sure they emulate well and run full speed (or close to it as some in the collection aren't entirely accurate speed-wise due to the emulation itself). Would prefer the games not to be pruned based on personal tastes, but switching games from one emulator to one of the other two for a reason beyond the 4-way emulation mode is fine. Mame32 v 0 87 google drive.