Klonirovanie Hasp Usb Klyucha
If you can find some way to mount it, the dd command on *nix systems is good to do low level backups: dd if=/dev/sda of=backup.img where /dev/sda is the device's file handle and backup.img is a file. Notice that I'm NOT using /dev/sda1, which would be the first partition. Using the file handle for the device itself should copy all data sector by sector, and doesn't care about partitions or filesystems.
The HASP USB dongle can also be the source of the problem. Before contacting the Blancco Technical Support team, do the following: Try connecting the HASP-key to another machine/USB port; After connecting the HASP-key, the drivers for the key should be automatically installed. Alternatively, you can install the drivers manually.
Check out for more info. Granted, none of this will be any use to you if you can't mount the thing.
Randy 28/5/2009, 14:26 น. I've done some software development with HASP keys in the past; it's worth mentioning that not every aspect of it will be accessible through the standard drive-access techniques. The model I worked with (granted, this was about 7 years ago) had a series of API functions that revealed some extended functionality -- a small hidden memory cache, access to an onboard clock, things like that. Not sure exactly what you're up to, but I can tell you that there's a decent chance dd won't entirely do the trick.-- He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. Redgate sql toolbelt keygen download. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.
-- Friedrich Nietzsche Billy Crook 28/5/2009, 16:03 น.