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The Steam Gallery is an Authorized Jensen Steam Engine Dealer AN AMERICAN TRADITION SINCE 1932 The World's Oldest and America's Only Manufacturer of Its kind. The Steam Gallery is an Authorized Jensen Steam Engine Dealer Welcome to the Steam Gallery's secure online Jensen Steam Engine Store. We offer you only the best in miniature live steam engines from the Jensen Steam Engine Company. Jensen Steam Engine Mfg. Is the World's Oldest and America's only Manufacturer of its kind. Since 1932 the Jensen family has built the most durable, highest quality in miniature live steam engines for the discerning educator, hobbyist and collector. We are extremely pleased to be allowed to offer this very fine line of Nickle and Brass miniature live steam engines, factory direct to you.
Please feel free to contact me at if you have questions on choosing the right engine for you. Phone: 864-430-2277 Click on Images for Enlarged View of Each Steam Engine Model #76 Kit The Jensen Model #76 Steam Engine Kit is a f un & easy to assemble two hour project for parents & child and a great first introduction to the thrill of live steam. The finished project provides a single-acting, oscillating cylinder, dry fueled engine and 2-1/8 x 4-1/4 nickle plated brass boiler. The Jensen model # 76 is excellent for student science fair projects or for simply enjoying the fun of building and running your own little steam engine. Bore: 7/16' x 5/8' Stroke Model # 76 - Dry Fuel Heated Oscillating Steam Engine Kit - $187.95 Quantity: Model #60 The Jensen Model #60 Steam Engine is our pre-assembled version of the Jensen model #76.
The assembly work is already done for you, to provide the thrill of the live steam experience, right out of the box. The Jensen model # 60 is a ready to run single-acting, oscillating cylinder, dry fueled engine with a 2-1/8 x 4-1/4 nickle plated brass boiler. The Jensen model #76 is excellent for student science fair projects or for simply enjoying your own little steam engine. This easily operated engine is an excellent choice for the beginning steamer. Bore: 7/16' x 5/8' Stroke Model # 60 - Dry Fuel Heated Oscillating Steam Engine - $ 182.95 Quantity: Model #85 The Jensen Model #85 Steam Engine is the only 'Overtype' steam engine design in the Jensen line up. This is a compact little steam engine with lots of power for its size, not to mention the highest RPM of all the Jensen Dry Fuel engines.
This engine design is extremely versatile and has been seen powering small model boats, model cars, assorted small erector constructs and even the Jensen model 15E DC generator. This little engine is an excellent executive desk toy which never fails to attract plenty of curiosity from those who see it sititng on your desktop. Bore: 7/16' x 5/8' Stroke Model # 85 - Dry Fuel Heated OscillatingSteam Engine - $ 133.95 Quantity: Model #65 The Jensen Model #65 Steam Engine is the mid-size dry fuel Double Acting Slide Valve engine design in the Jensen Line up. 'Double Acting' means the cylinder is powered by steam during both forward and retracting strokes of the piston. The Slide Valve is used to time the engine and switch the steam ports when the engine is running and provides a vertible symphony of movement to delight the eye.
The mechanical motion of this type of engine is quite similar to that of the great Locomotive drivers of days gone. If you enjoy the excitement of lots of mechanical action, the Jensen model # 65 hand reversible engine is sure to please even the experienced steamer. Bore: 7/16' x 5/8' Stroke Model # 65- Dry Fuel Heated Double Acting Steam Engine- $ 205.95 Quantity: Model #70 The Jensen Model #70 Steam Engineis Jensen's Largest and Highest RPM electrically heated oscillating steamengine design in the Jensen Line.
With a 2 1/2 inch diameter nickled brass boiler vessel, this is engine is one of Jensen's larger hobby class engines. The internal electric heater of this Jensen steam engine allows for perfect ease of operation without the need for reordering Dry Fuel. As long as the power bill is paid, you'll always be ready to steam the model # 70 with only the addition of distilled water. Free keygen crack.
The model 70 is capable of powering a wide range of erector constructs or accessories, including the signature Jensen model # 15 AC or # 15E DC generators. Bore: 1/2' x 5/8' Stroke Model # 70- Electrically Heated Oscillating Steam Engine- $ 266.95 Quantity: Model #70G The Jensen Model #70G Steam Engine is Jensen's Highest RPM electrically heated oscillating Power Plant design. With a 2 1/2 inch diameter nickled brass boiler, this engine is one of Jensen's larger hobby class engines. The internal electric heater of this Jensen steam engine allows for perfect ease of operation without the need for reordering Dry Fuel. As long as the power bill is paid, you'll always be ready to steam the Jensen model # 70 with only the addition of distilled water.