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This database MAVISE is edited and published by the. The software of the database was developed in the framework of a contract with the (2007-2011) and owned by the European Union (represented by the European Commission). Whilst the software of the database is property of the European Union, the European Audiovisual Observatory is the owner of its content, with the exception of elements provided by third parties, in particular Lyngemark Satellite providing information on the line-up of satellite channels and Bureau Van Dijk providing information on the addresses of companies. The data collection process of information on the European television and on-demand audiovisual markets by the European Audiovisual Observatory is partly made possible in the context of a framework contract with the DG Communication of the European Commission (2012-2016) and specific contracts with this DG (for television) and DG for Communications Networks Content and Technology (for on-demand audiovisual services).
The data collection process has benefited from the help of the European Platform of Regulatory Authorities. Neither the European Commission, nor the European Audiovisual Observatory nor any of the employees of the respective organisations, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific service (included linked websites) does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or promotion by the European Audiovisual Observatory, or the European Commission. Abdul rauf roofi naat allah karam mp3 download youtube.
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Full Specifications General Publisher Publisher web site Release Date August 04, 2007 Date Added August 04, 2007 Version 4.3.0 Category Category Subcategory Operating Systems Operating Systems Mac OS Classic/X 10.0/X 10.1/X 10.2/X 10.3/X 10.3.9/X 10.4 Intel/X 10.4 PPC Additional Requirements • System 7 - Mac OS X 10.4.10 Download Information File Size Not Available File Name External File Popularity Total Downloads 359 Downloads Last Week 0 Pricing License Model Free to try Limitations Not available Price $50. All graphics can be adjusted (slices, colors, sorts.), explored (a click on a bar displays the corresponding datas) and pasted in a word processing. StatisticS reads all data files from Microsoft Excel or others and produces by one click graphic descriptions (bars or pies), graphic comparisons with statistical tests (Chi2, Student, ANOVA, corelation and non parametric tests) with obvious results easily understandable, and Survival curves with LogRank test. All statistical tests and graphic models are automatically choosen by the software itself, so you don't need to be proficient in statistics to use StatisticS!
The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the European Commission or the European Audiovisual Observatory or the Council of Europe. The fact that a television service or an on-demand audiovisual service is included in the database does not represent a position from the Observatory, from the European Commission or from any regulatory authority regarding its legal situation. In particular, the criteria used to include audiovisual services (television, on-demand audiovisual services) in the database are not completely similar to those defined by the European Directive on Audiovisual Services or by the transposition of this Directive in the national laws of Member States. While every care has been taken to ensure accuracy, no guarantee is given that the material is free from error or omission. Our goal is to keep this information timely and accurate. In particular, an important number of on-demand audiovisual services accessible through distribution platforms do not provide clear identification of the company providing services. In a significant number of cases the identification of the company providing on-demand audiovisual services, and hence of the country of establishment of the services, is based on rational assumptions by the expert and analysts feeding the database.
If errors are brought to our attention, we will try to address them. You can contact us regarding any technical information on the MAVISE database by using the. © 2013 European Union and European Audiovisual Observatory.