Radionic Software Programs
RADIOETERIC 1.0 WEB VERSION - Radionic software Free Online Therapeutic Program With this easy and brilliant computerized radionic system RADIOETERIC© it’s possible through your PC, to use it for any radionic emission at distance and in presence for any object for a vibrating action, therapy etc. Following the explanation for use: 1. Bijoy bangla 2000 software.
Introduce up in the large window at the left the sentence of the radionic action wanted in this format (all in CAPITAL LETTERS and all after each other), for exemple: For the action: “Jhon Smith recovers from his liver ache”, write: JHONSMITHRECOVERSFROMHISLIVERACHE or: JHONSMITHPASSESHISEXAMCHEMISTRY or: JHONSMITHGETSWORK etc. Your proposal has to be the short as possible, direct, affermative, positiv, in the present, mentioning always at the beginning of the sentence the name and last name of the person who has to receive it. Put the picture of the subject that will receive the treatment in the window at the right and at half screenshot click on PICTURE (foto) 3. Introduce in capital letters in the windows above and at the right name, last name, date and place (hour) of birth and adress of residence of the subject who will receive the therapy.
Introduce by clicking in (oggetto) OBJECT 1 and OBJECT 2 the pictue of the universal symbols OM and SEAL OF SALOMONE, that will act as radionic catalysts of your action to generate together with the obtained rate and to amplify your proposal always written like in point 1, so capture the 2 symbols at the bottom of this webpage. So to activate the radionic action, click on ‘START TREATMENT’ N.B.: by RED SENSORS it’s possible to make this treatment with present persons too, in this case the interested subject must stay in contact with the red blinking circle for the whole period of treatment with his hand;.time of treatment: 1-3 houres; disactivate the screensavers because the circuit emits energy only when it remains visible on your screen Last/First Name Born to Born on.
Top secret Radionics machines devices and radionic software & orgone generators with real Karl Welz ORGONITE with the CHI POWER to manifest of your desires. Top secret Radionics machines devices and radionic software & orgone generators with real Karl Welz ORGONITE with the CHI POWER to manifest of your desires. WE ARE THE ONES THAT WRITE.
RadionicTones Radionics all digital radionics programs are available in one single file Digital Radionics software set with 6 digital radionic applications. Contains a compilation of all my digital radionics programs, available for direct download!, check contents on the list of radionic applicacions included Digital Radionics and MultiRadionics Bach Flower Radionics Radionic cards Radionic rate tester Radionic rate calculator Radionic tones Price: 35$ Intro Radionics is the utilization of an unusual energy or energies in devices to produce natural phenomenon or effects. It is a system of alternative medicine developed by Dr. Albert Abrams, who belived that diseased body tissue affected the nervous system and gave forth, 'dull emanations'. Abrams believed electronic phenomena were involved with this, and he invented a variable resistance intrument called a 'black box' to measure the ohm resistance of different diseases on an electronic circuit. He found for example, that cancer produced a 50 ohm resistance, while syphilis had a 55 ohm resistance.
Abrams later modified his technique so he could take readings from a drop of blood. In 1924, a committee established by the Royal Society of Medicine investigated Abrams techniques and were favorably impressed. Today Radionics and its cousin Radiesthesia (medical dowsing) are recognized in Europe as legitimate medical procedures. Radionics has as its basis the following: There is an energy pervading the universe (orgon) that has unusual properties and may be used for the betterment of mankind. Under certain conditions, this energy has been found to affect man or his enviroment and can be controlled under conditions imposed by the characteristics of that energy. As in all sciences, development of that science is made through observation of properties or characteristics of that which is studied.