Script Q Serial Number
In this video, I am going to describe how you can check your system serial number, bios version and all other info including MAC address just using command prompt. There are 3 options to do that.but before that type cmd in start and open it with administrator. You will get the option after you right click be on cmd. ' wmic bios get serial number' - this will show only thr serial number of your system, No 2.
' wmic' then enter 'csproduct'. 'systeminfo' - this is actually the one and only command that will show you whole system configuration. ►►Watch More.
Get bios version and serial number on remote systems using powershell Hi Team, created powershell function to get Bios version and serial number.PowerShell function to get Bios version and serial number on multiple server.
The following script works great on Dell servers to return tag/serial number information. How do I use a similar script to get the serial number of HP Proliant DL380 servers?
Dim strComputer, objWMIService, colItems, objItem strComputer = InputBox('Please enter the computer name or IP Address of a Dell machine:','Computer Name or IP Address') Set objWMIService = GetObject('winmgmts: ' & strComputer & ' root cimv2') Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery('SELECT * FROM Win32_BIOS',,48) For Each objItem In colItems MsgBox 'Dell Service Tag: ' & objItem.SerialNumber Next MsgBox 'Finished' Select all. The same script should work, but typically depends on that information being populated in the BIOS. There are numerous free products that scan remote systems and return the information.
Activation code sound forge mac osx. You might try WMI Asset Logger, it is a program that I wrote and is free (no spy/nag). Anyway I'm not here to SPAM the forums so if you want to try just google it. You might also try getting the asset tag, I know this works for Dell, and HP. Use the same code you posted above, changing Win32_BIOS to 'Win32_SystemEnclosure' and change objItem.SerialNumber to objItem.SMBIOSAssetTag.
Asset tags are not always included, but they tend to show up on Dells. You might try this one, I tried this on my LAN and found a few IBMs that held the serial information in this class, unfortunately I do not have any HP servers (although that truly shouldn't matter, the same IBMs also had the serial number under Win32_BIOS.SerialNumber) Have you tried to query any other WMI based information from the same system? StrComputer = '.'