Nightmare Creatures 3 Angel Of Darkness Pc Download

There’s an old game series I see massive potential for that I use to play as a kid that is no longer with us. I want to see if there’s a way to go about seeking its revival. I’ll name the series for you: Nightmare Creatures. Nightmare Creatures 3: Angel of Darkness was cancelled and after some research I believe the series is now owned by Ubisoft. To evidence my love for this game series, based on the little information I have managed to find, I have written a pitch-like documentation for the third game complete with plot, gameplay style, mechanics etc. Mainly I have visualized the continuation of the series in my head which led me to write this document in the first place.
I want to honor the series and see it returns and if I can pitch my concept to the right people then who knows But I need some help: how would someone like me go about trying to initiate the first steps of seeing this series brought back to life? What actions do I need to take? I would seriously do whatever it takes professionally to realize this project within reason. I am an avid gamer with no experience in professional game development but I want to see this series reborn.
Nightmare creatures 3 angel of darkness pc download xsonargadget. Nightmare creatures 3 angel of darkness pc download softth-newsoft. Jan 16, 2018 - Trying to get a share in Resident Evil's success with making survival horror a maintstream genre among gamers, Kalisto Entertainment crafted. La haine filme legendado em portugues.
I’m a performing artist with a special interest in video games. I see an opportunity here but I would like to know if there’s any way to initiate this pipe dream ANY light on this query would be helpful. Is this asking too much? Feedback and thoughts in any shape or form would be appreciated. If you are interested in even working with me on this (fans of Nightmare Creatures??) then by all means get in touch also. Thank you for your time.
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